
ROSHEN steadily continues to extend its global reach and moreover to win widespread recognition. The Corporation got listed in Top-30 World Best Confectionery Manufacturers as ranked by Global Top-100 Candy Companies-2018. Currently, the products of Roshen are available for customers to enjoy in most European countries, Asia, North America and Oceania.
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ROSHEN plays an active role in the promotion of social issues by supporting the development of a stable and successful society. Corporation implements high-impact and systemic charitable and socio-cultural projects. Furthermore, aid for the people suffered by combat operations (ATO area) is provided. Socio-cultural projects include Theatre on Podol reconstruction, Cherkassy Zoo modernization, skating rinks opening in Kharkiv and Dnipro, etc. Each project is launched with love and care for people. The total investment of ROSHEN in socio-cultural projects, including healthcare projects, during 2016-2018 is estimated at UAH 573 million.
Find Out MoreCorporate Chain Stores
The entire range of Roshen products is available in more than 70 Company’s stores. Only here you can acquire exclusive products by ROSHEN. The store employees will help you choose among traditional sweets and novelties or suggest a gift for a special occasion. The stores are renowned for their fantastic atmosphere - friendly staff, soft pleasant music in the background and unique design of each store.
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