The biggest chocolate factory in Hungary is founded by a German confectioner
The biggest chocolate factory in Hungary is founded by a German confectioner
A steam engine installed, which introduced large scale chocolate production
The factory was modernized and transformed into a public limited company. The redesigned factory set back on a prosperous track
The factory began the production of the so-called “china ornaments” made of a unique type of chocolate. Besides the main Hungarian cities, the chain stores were also located in Paris and Vienna. The packaging was designed by the famous industrial artists of those times. The company owned such brands as Frutti caramel, Zizi dragee, Ropp wafer bar, Bronhy and Gripp candies, „E” cocoa powder.
The factory became the biggest in Hungary and one of the most up-to-date in Europe. The plant’s first novelty was ‘tibi’ chocolate.
Although the plant was destroyed during the World War II, the machinery remained untouched. The plant was nationalized and passed into ownership of the Hungarian Confectionery Corporation.
The plant renamed into Budapest Chocolate Factory, reconstructed and mechanized
The factory was privatized by the German enterprise Stollwerk. They continued producing ‘tibi’ chocolate, cherry pralines, dragee, Christmas candies and other delicacies.
Stollwerk was acquired by the investment company Mabelsoft, the owner of Bonbonetti in Nagykanizsa. The most significant confectionery corporation of Hungary named Bonbonetti Group was created.
ROSHEN company entered a contract with Bonbonetti Group aiming to strengthen Bonbonetti brand and support its expansion in Europe
Today, Bonbonetti Choco Kft. is one of the leading confectionery manufacturers and one of the largest factories on producing chocolate in Hungary. The most famous brand of factory is - Tibi. Under this brand they produce dark and milk chocolate with various creamy and jelly fillings including more than a dozen of traditional tastes and new combinations, as well as four types of boxed chocolates. Equally recognizable are pralines “Cherry Queen” - a unique combination of dark chocolate, cherry and liquor. For a period of winter holidays Bonbonetti always prepares fantastic Christmas sets named Bonbonetti Christmas. Popular dragees “Francia Dragee” and “Dunakavics” are presented in different tastes and are made with peanuts, raisins, jelly or cocoa. In addition, the factory is developing a new line of chocolate under the ТМ Bonbonetti.
150 years in the field of confectionery production were not lost, still due to huge experience, as well as implementation of technical innovations and involvement of high-quality specialists the factory can be fairly proud of the perfect properties and exquisite taste of its products. The production of Bonbonetti Confectionary Factory is certified according to international standards – HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) since 1998 and ISO 9001:2008 since 2003. The factory received the certificate IFS 4 in 2007, IFS 5 in 2008 and IFS 6 in 2014. The factory plays an essential role in supporting Hungarian economy, providing the country with 600 workplaces. The strategic partnership agreement with ROSHEN involved lots of investments. Thanks to this cooperation the positions of Bonbonetti in the homeland have reinforced and the brand continues conquering European markets. The products of the factory are consistently of high quality, which is proved by numerous awards and distinctions. Confectioners of the factory know pretty well what the customers expect, and can quickly respond to new market demands. So, along with the well-known products Bonbonetti regularly creates sweet novelties.
The factory in Lithuania was included in the ROSHEN Corporation in 2006 and specializes in the production of the caramel products.
DetailsKyiv ROSHEN Factory is the oldest among the other factories of the Corporation. Its products are recognizable worldwide.